Request a Free Inspection and Quote Grease Trap Cleaning

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    About Our Free Inspection & Quote Service

    You can rely on us for all your grease trap needs, saving you time and hassle. We believe in transparency and offer a free inspection and quote service.

    Our team will assess your grease trap’s condition and provide an accurate, no-obligation quote. Every kitchen is unique, and we create customized cleaning schedules and maintenance plans that fit your business’s specific requirements, ensuring your kitchen runs smoothly. We also stay up-to-date with local regulations and guidelines, making sure your kitchen remains compliant, helping you avoid costly fines, and maintaining a safe environment. Our team is available 24/7 to address your urgent grease trap issues promptly.


    Why Grease Trap Cleaning Matters

    Grease traps are essential components for any establishment involved in food preparation. These traps effectively separate FOG (Fats, Oils, and Greases) from wastewater before it enters the city sewer lines. However, over time, the accumulation of grease and solids within the trap can lead to potential blockages or even contamination of the city’s sewer system. That’s why regular grease trap cleaning is crucial to avoid costly problems.

    Why Choose Hood Guyz for Grease Trap Cleaning?

    At Hood Guyz, our grease trap cleaning process is designed to ensure efficiency and compliance.

    Our technicians perform a full evacuation of your grease trap material, followed by a thorough cleansing using water to break down and eliminate hardened grease buildup. We conclude with a final complete emptying, assuring a deep and effective cleaning without the use of harmful chemicals or pipe cleaning.

    During this process, our technicians conduct an inspection, identifying issues like broken tee pipes, baffles, and manhole covers, as well as excess grease and solids.

    We establish a grease trap maintenance schedule to prevent unexpected backups, and our services are executed during non-peak hours to minimize business disruption. Additionally, we specialize in the removal of both the sludge and FOG layers, maintain detailed service records, and provide employee training to prevent food and cooking grease from entering the kitchen drains. We are committed to ethical disposal practices, ensuring that material not used for energy generation is disposed of responsibly.

    Choose Hood Guyz for reliable and environmentally conscious grease trap cleaning services that guarantee compliance and prevent disruptions.

    (844) 461-8716
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